During my participation in different team works, I have met somebody's that like to play the role of second man, second man is a person who work in team, eager to achieve the team goals and perform his tasks perfectly, also he is used to give advices and feedback to whole the team and to team leader especially.
Sometimes the performance of the second man exceed the performance of team leader him self, but in the same time he refuse to be the team leader.
Satisfaction for the second man means, achieving the team goal, participation effectively in team success and gaining respect from team members.
Actually the second man role is important inside any teamwork, and usually team leaders like him much as they considered him the team dynamo in period they are down
For me, sometimes I like to play second man role, especially when I work in team with a skilled leader :D
Does he refuse to be the team leader because he can't be a leader or because he can give more as a second man??
loook, in most cases, he think he can't be a leader because he miss alot of skills, and he believe he will perform better in his/her position,
but sometimes (s)he didn't give himself the chance to try,
there are alot of people believe they can't be leader but when they get the chance or on other word when (s)he give himself the chance (s)he become a GREAT leader .
The second man, believe in hem/her self ..do not put any boundaries on his/her ideas,dream, vision or opinions ..Do not fear to say it explicitly..
s/he's the real leader which let the whole things do its job..The oil that must be put in the machine to work..
If this second man do not see he/her importance, the machine won't work..
Actually all the second men are first men, the one who is responsible of something and is very worried about it...must consider him/her self a first man..
Just everybody should not see him/herself either bigger than his real value ,or to put himself in a lower level than his real level is.
Highly agree with you, but i repeat second man is not a leader replacement, second man role appears when the team has a good leader,
when team hasn't a leader the second man automatically become the team leader and the role of second man is disappeared,
thanks for ur comment
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