Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Art Of Change management

Who Moved My Cheese?!
Wonderful book talk about the art of change management, it is a small book (about 40 papers), talk about story between two mices and two men, if you are from people who don't like book reading, at least don't miss the following videos.

Part 1

Part 2

Monday, October 29, 2007

8 signs it's time to change jobs before you get fired

Do you have a job? Are you feel happy with your job?
fine, the following article about "8 signs it's time to change jobs before you get fired" it is very interesting, check it
Thanks for Eng: Ahmed Hammad

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bride from CIA :)

Yesterday I were talking with one of my friends, he is going to engage soon isAllah, forgive me I can't say his name in this post, because most probably you won't know him and I'm afraid he may feel angry from me,
By the way, I were asking him,
Me: What the last news?!
He: No new under the sun, Nothing!!!
Me: why ya 3am, enta mesh 7`alas ro7t wa kol 7aga tamam?!
He: Yes, but I'm still in waiting state :(
Me: waiting state, Kol da8, le8 ya3ni :O ?
He: I don't know man, I feel I'll engage bride from CIA :D

Heheheheheh, i wouldn't be able to control my self when i heard this statement, bride from CIA, really I don't know Why all this time is taken in thinking, for example in my friend case, I'm sure my friend is a good one (Masha2 Allah), polite, Moltzm, ...etc,
of course he may has some negatives, but nobody is perfect, and generally he is a good man (Mesh my friend b2a :) )
Of course I knew you will say now, you say that because he is your friend, but bride family don't know him, I'll say, you are right, but because we are Muslims, our marriage is controlled by Islam rules so Islam tell guy who want to engage or marry someone "أظفر بذات الدين",
In the same time, Islam tell bride's family "من جائكم ترضون خلقه ودينه فزوجوه"
so the issue is sho shimple (3ala ra2y wa7d sa7by) and needn't all that time

Fast decisions

Are you a decision maker? are you used to take a decision in ur activities with ur colleagues? are u the decision maker in ur family?
if the answer is yes, so i recommend you to read the following article,

well, decision making according to wikipedia is a cognitive process leading to the selection of a course of action among variations;
everybody everyday, need to apply some sort of decision making process, what will you ( eat, wear, ...etc) are kind of decisions you take everybody,
of course difficulties of decision making process depends on criticality of the decision; for example, we can't give What will you eat today? decision a rank like who will you marry ? decision, of course marriage decision should take high rank of criticality because it is a strategic decision somehow.

but in the same time there is a factor affects most of decisions in our life, this factor is how quickly will you take the decision?
There are some people like slow decisions depend on quote that says " In haste there is regret and in taking time there is peace/safety" "فى التأنى السلامه وفى العجله الندامه" :D

While there are other people like fast decisions depend on quote that says "Fast and Good decision is better than Slow and Very Good decision"
of course there is nothing always right and there is nothing always wrong, but for me I like fast decisions, I don't deny, it may have some negatives, but I believe it is more effective than slow decisions.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

غرباء ... غرباء

I like this Nasheeed much, Hope u like it too :)


غرباء ... غرباء ... غرباء ... غرباء
غرباء ولغير الله لا نحني الجباه
غرباء وارتضيناها شعارا للحياه
إن تسل عنا فإنا لا نبالي بالطغاه
نحن جند الله دوما دربنا درب الأباه

لن نبالي بالقيود
بل سنمضي للخلود
فلنجاهد ونناضل ونقاتل من جديد
غرباءٌ هكذا الأحرار في دنيا العبيد

كم تذاكرنا زمانا
يوم كنا سعداء
بكتاب الله نتلوه
صباحا ومساء

غرباء ... غرباء ... غرباء ... غرباء

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cute baby Lilly :)

Yesterday one of my friends (Ahmed Hassan) sent me youtube movie url, it was for a young baby called Lilly, she is very cute 2 years old baby, isAllah I'll have a baby like Lilly in future ;), but of course when I find Lilly's mother :D
Enjoy with Lilly

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Your personality

The following is a test taken from emotional intelligence session made by Beyada community, select one or more shapes from the following diagram, then check ur personality :)

Let me know ur opinion, and does the description really fit with ur personality or not

فاحص /حساس

أنت أنسان لا تحب السطحيه .. نسطيع أن تجلس وحيدا لفترات طويله ولا تشعر بالسأم .. ولكن علاقتك بأصدقائك قوية جدا وهذا ما يعطيك الراحه الداخليه و ألاحساس بالتجانس

أستقلالى / متميز
تحب أن تتبين طريقك فى الحياه بنفسك تملك نزعه فنيه فى عملك أو حتى فى وقت فراغك..طلبك للحرية يتسبب أحيانا فى أن تفعل أشياء لا يتوقعها منك الأخرون..تحب أن تعيش بحسب معتقداتك الشخصيه..شخصية كما يبدو تميل الى الأستقلاليه

أنت على أستعداد تام لتقبل المخاطر لتحظى بعمل ممتع ومتنوع ...وتظهر ألتزاما عاليا فى أداءهذا العمل .. الوتين يصيبك بالشلل.. ماتريده هو أن تلعب دورا نشيطا فى الأحداث .. وحينما يكون لك هذا الدور يلاحظ الجميع مبادرتك ومساهمتك

واقعى / متوازن
تحب أن تحيا حياة طبيعيه وغير معقدة ..الناس يعجبون بك لأنك فى نظرهم أنسان دافئ يستطيعون الأعتماد عليه.. تعطى لمن حولك الشعور بالأمان والمساحه .. ترفض الأشياء المبهرجه المبتذله حتى فى الملبس والذى يميل أن يكون عمليا وأنيق من غير أبتذال

نشيط/واثق بنفسك
تأخذ الحياة تحت مسئوليتك الخاصه ..لا تعتمد كثيرا على الحظ ..تحل المشاكل بطريقة عمليه وغير معقده .. شخص واثق بنفسه غير متردد ..تسند أليك المسئوليات لأنك شخص يعتمد عليه فيمن حولك ..أرادتك البارزة تظهر ثقتك بنفسك للأخرين

أنت أنسان بسيط سهل ولكن..حكيم..تسطيع تكوين صداقات كثيرة دون مجهود ..لكنك أيضا تستمتع بخصوصيتك وأستقلاليتك..تحب أن تجلس وحدك وتقف وقفات مع نفسك من حين لاّخر تتأمل معانى الحياه..أحتياجك الى هذه المساحه من التأمل لا يعنى أنك أنسان منطوى..لكن شخص مسالم تقدر الحياه ونصيبك منها

أنت أنسان حساس , ترفض أن ترى الأشياء من وجهات النظر المنطقيه والعقلانيه فقط..ماتقوله لك مشاعرك لا يقل عما يقوله العقل.. ترفض من يسفه الومانسيه والذى لا يقودوه ألا منطقه...كما ترفض أى شئ يضيق عليك مشاعرك وأحاسيسك
تحليلى/جدير بالثقه
يلفت نظرك الأشياء الأصليه وصاحبة الجوده العاليه..فأصالة البيئه تلعب دورا خاصا فى حياتك..لذلك لا مانع من أن تحيط نفسك بقلة من الشخصيات المتميزة التى يحترمها الأخرون والذى لا يقلون عن هذا المستوى من الأصاله...لك طريقة راقيه ومميزه خاليه من المظاهرحتى وأنت تختار ما يمتعك

مرتاح البال/بشوش

تحب الحياه حرة ةعفوية .. شخصية مفتوحة تجاه كل جديد .. تحب التغير وتتعامل معه بنجاح .. تستمتع بالحياه وتستفيد من وسائلها المتعدده..لا تحب أبدا أن تشعر بالتقيد

هاااااه... أيه الأخبار تمام ولا الأختبار أى كلاااام !!!1

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Virtual function

Well, Today we will talk about a trick in virtual functions
Suppose we have two classes
class A
int x;
x = 0;
void printX()
//print x value

class B
int x;
x = 0;
virtual void printX()
//print X value


Question now: What are size of classes A and B?!

Size of class A = 4 bytes while size of class B = 8 bytes, but Why?!

Classes that contain virtual functions, has a pointer to table that referes to virtual function addresses;
so simply class B contains
int x ==> 4 bytes
pointer to virtual functions table ==> 4 bytes
total ==> 8 bytes

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Bad habits

In last post we have talked about habits and how it affect person's attitude, and we have agree that there are some good habits and other bad habits; here are some common bad habits made by people (most of these bad habits is extracted from power of focus book).

- Not returning phone calls in time

- Being late for appointments

- Smoking

- Poor communication between colleagues and stuff

- Sleeping in working time

- A lack of clarity about expected outcomes, monthly targets, goals, ..etc

- Not allowing enough travel time for outside appointments

- Handling the mail more than once

- Allowing bills to go unpaid, resulting in interest penalties

- Talking instead of listening

- Forgetting someone’s name sixty seconds after being introduced

- Hitting the snooze alarm several times in morning before getting out of bed :D

- Working long days with no exercise or regular breaks

- Not spending enough time with your children (if u have)

- Having a fast-food meals program Monday to Friday

- Eating at irregular times of the day

- Leaving home in morning without hugging your wife and children

- Taking work home with you

- Making reservation at the last minutes

- Not taking enough time off for fun and family

- Having your cell phone on all the time

- Answering the telephone during family mealtimes

- Procrastination on everything from filing taxes to cleaning out your garage

well, now how many habits you have are included in above list, for me I have more than 5 habits from the above list, but I’m asking Allah to help me in overcome it all,

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Habits are automatic routines of behavior that are repeated regularly, without thinking. The person may not be paying attention to or be conscious or aware of the behvior.
As we know. personality comes from attitude, and often person's attitude is a set of different habits, so simply habits highly effect people personality.
Habit is something u used to do, wakeup early is habit, taking the same road to ur work is another habit, procrastination also is a habit; a habit is like anything in the world, so there is a good habit and also there is a bad habit, for example: wake up early, keeping your comitement and return phone calls are good habits, while procrastination, somking, checking personal mail more than 20 times in day are bad habits.
isAllah in next post I'll try to collect some of bad habits made by people; and I'm sure you will be shocked when u see how many bad habits u are doing daily.

Friday, October 12, 2007

فضيلة الأمام الأكبر...مع السلامه

أمبارح كنت بتفرج على التلفزيون وبالصدفه لقيت برنامج على قناة المحور كان مستضيف فضيلة الأمام الأكبر ...شيخ الأزهر محمد سيد طنطاوى , الحوار كا بيدور حول فتوى الأمام (فى الأحتفال بليلة القدر) بتنفيذ حد الجلد على من يروجوا الأشاعات فى الصحف (ده طبعا كان تعليقا على الشائعات حول صحة الرئيس)
المهم الرجل المحاور كان كل أستفسارته أشمعنا الكلام ده طلع فى الوقت الحالى ... وليه مبنسمعشى أى فتوى أو أراء بخصوص مواضيع مهمه تانيه زى تزوير الأنتخابات مثلا أوحتكار بعض السلع زى الحديد , والأسمنت ...الخ
وكان ديما فضيلة الأمام بيرد ويقول
تزوير الأنتخابات حرام حرام حرام أحتكار أى سلعه حديد أو غيره حرام حرام حرام والحكومه اللى تسمح بكده تبقى حكومه فاجره أو مخطئه بس هو فين الكلام ده فى مصر !!!1
طبعا كان المذيع مش عارف يرد عليه وكان بيكتفى أنه بيبتسم ... وكان كل مره فضيلة الأمام بيقولوا بتضحك ليه أنت خايف من أيه...وطبعا كان رد المذيع ديما لأ أنا مش خايف من حاجه
المهم لغاية هنا والكلام كويس ومفيش حد ممكن يحصله حاااااااااجه , لحد ما أتنقل المذيع لموضوع تانى وهو العمليات الأستشهاديه فى فلسطين والأراضى المحتله, بس المره دى بقى المذيع (الذكى) قعد يتكلم مع فضيلة الأمام لحد ما فضيلة الأمام قاااال
الراجل اللى بيروح فى وسط مجموعه من المحتلين سواء كانوا غير مدنين أو مدنين ويفجر نفسه هو شهيد شهيد شهيد
طبعا زى ما أحنا عارفين الكلام ده مش جديد بس الجديد فى الموضوع أن المره دى اللى قاله هو فضيلة الأمام الأكبر شيخ الأزهر وزى ما حنا برده عارفيييين أن الكلام ده مش هيعجب نااااااااااس كتير ... فأنا متوقع خلال الفتره القادمه أن يتم عزل فضيلة الأمام الأكبر شيخ الأزهر محمد سيد طنطاوى

Mother in law

Days ago I have received story via mail talks about situation between wife and her mother in law, really I like the story much and I liked to share with u, actually till now I don’t have mother in law, as I don’t have wife yet:)
but isAllah when I get a wife, I’ll try to make use of the lessons learned from the following story,

A long time ago in China , a
girl named Li-Li got married & went to live with her husband and mother-in-law .

In a very short time, Li-Li found that she couldn't get along with her mother-in-law at all. Their personalities were very different, and Li-Li was angered by many of her mother-in-law' s habits. In addition, she criticized Li-Li constantly.
Days passed, and weeks passed. Li-Li and her mother-in-law never stopped arguing and fighting. But what made the situation even worse was that, according to ancient Chinese tradition, Li-Li had to bow to her mother-in-law and obey her every wish. All the anger and unhappiness in the house was causing Li-Li's poor husband great distress.

Finally, Li-Li could not stand her mother-in-! law's bad temper and dictatorship any longer, and she decided to do something about it!
Li-Li went to see her father's good friend, Mr. Huang, who sold herbs .
She told him the situation and asked if he would give her some poison so that she could solve the problem once and for all.
Mr. Huang thought for awhile, and finally said, "Li-Li, I will help you solve your problem, but you must listen to me and obey what I tell
Li-Li said, "Yes, Mr. Huang, I will do whatever you tell me to do. "Mr. Huang went into the back room, and returned in a few minutes with a package of herbs. He told Li-Li, "You can't use a quick-acting poison to get rid of your mother-in-law, because that would cause people to become suspicious Therefore, I have given you a number of herbs that will slowly build up poison in her body.

Every other day prepare some delicious meal and put a little of these herbs in her serving. Now, in order to make sure that nobody suspect you,
when she dies, you must be very careful to act very friendly towards her. "Don't argue with her, obey her every wish, and treat her like a queen." Li-Li was so happy.
She thanked Mr. Huang and hurried home to start her plot of murdering her mother-in-law. Weeks went by, and months went by, and every other day, Li-Li served the specially treated food to her mother-in-law. She remembered what Mr . Huang had said about avoiding suspicion, so she controlled her temper, obeyed her mother-in-law, and treated her like her own mother.
After six months had passed, the whole household had changed. Li-Li had practiced controlling her temper so much that she found that she almost never got mad or upset. She hadn't had an argument with her mother-in-law in six months because she now seemed much kinder and easier to get along with.
The mother-in-law' s attitude toward Li-Li changed, and she began to love Li-Li like her own daughter. She kept telling friends and relatives that Li-Li was the best daughter-in- law one could ever find. Li-Li and her mother-in-law were now treating each other like a real mother and daughter. Li-Li's husband was very happy to see what was happening. One day, Li-Li came to see Mr. Huang and asked for his help again She said, "Dear Mr. Huang, please help me to keep the poison from killing my mother-in-law. She's changed into such a nice woman, and I love her
like my own mother. I do not want her to die because of the poison I gave her."
Mr . Huang smiled and nodded his head. "Li-Li, there's nothing to worry about. I never gave you any poison. The herbs I gave you were vitamins to improve her health. The only poison was in your mind and your attitude toward her, but that has been all washed away by the love which you gave to her."
HAVE YOU REALIZED that how you treat others is exactly how they will treat you? There is a wise Chinese saying: "The person who loves others will also be loved in return."

Thursday, October 11, 2007

ليس العيد لمن لبس الجديد ... ولكن العيد لمن أطاع الله

كل عام وأنتم بخير ... ولله أقرب

عيد سعيد

open your speaker, then click in the following url

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Money is not the most important thing in liFe

Al salamu 3alikom,
it was a long time since i have written a post in my blog, actually i don't know why i stoped writing although i have many topics and issues to talk about, by the way, el 7amed llellah i have came back to my audiances :D once againg,

last week i were mo3tkf in masjeed with my colleagues, and there i have met a small boy called Hossam, he is 10 years old, 3rd primiary school, he has a wonderful baby face, so kind and you feel happy while you are talking with him,
Hossam used to stay in masjeed not only in ramadan but in other months too (sam3eeen ya shabab ;) ) he love el masjeed much, he love el Salah much, in summary you can called him a good boy,
el mohem, we have stayed with Hossam much time in masjeed, and my friend shahway, asked me what is ur opinion in hossam, do u think can we let him join our programming for youth program (I'll talk about it later),
I said of course, we may let him join our program,
but he is so young, said el shaway,
No problem, we can manage this issue, i replied,
shway said, okay yalla convince him with the program,
i said OK

well, ya hossam, do u like computer,
Hossam: i have a computer
Nyazy: Nice, what are u doing with ur computer
Hossam: playing, programs, ...etc
Nyazy: Who brought these programs to you?
Hossam: El Naaaas !!!
Nyazy: Aywa, El naaass meeen ?!
Hossam: El mohendsat (Note: hossam has 6 sisters)
Nyazy: Well, do u like to make all these programs and games with ur self?!
Hossam: Slience....
Nyazy: who make your clothes?
Hossam: El Tarzy :)
Nyazy: Tamam, El Tarzy made your clothes, but there are ppl is reposnible for building programs and games you play with it
Hosssam: mmmmmm,
Nyazy: we are training young students like U, to be able to make these programs and games, do you like to join us?
Hossam: pointing with his head (Yes)
Shaway: well, so u can join us to learn a lot of interesting things, then being a great man(developer) when u become older
Nyazy: and in that time, u will earn a lot of money
Hossam: slience....
Hosaam: but money is not the most important thing in life!
Nyazy: mmmm
Nyazy: tyb, what is the most important thing in life?!
Hossam: El Salah (Praying) 2ham 7aga, el wa7ed youb2a sa7eto8 kwisa
Hossam: El Flooos mohma bardo8, bas mesh 2wy

mmmmm, actually i were exciting with hossam replies, i think i were thinking in different manner when i were in his age, may Allah guid him for pushing our Ummah forward