Saturday, February 24, 2007

The power of forgiveness

In last article I were talking about the art of listening and we discuss the important of listening in effective communication and building a strong relationship.

But listening is not sufficient, there is another skill or behavior u need to have to build a stronger relationship with your friends, colleagues, coworkers and even your family.

That skill called forgiveness, forgiveness simply means u should forget any bad words, actions u hear or see from anyone; really it is a magic tool for building a strong relationship especially with hard people.
Self controlling and forgiving people is not easy at all, because people by nature don't like to be attacked from any one, I knew there are a lot of rudy people that always like to hurt people, but believe me, by learning how to control yourself and how to forgive people you will gain a lot of friends and building a strong relationship with both hard people and soft people

I have tried it myself, long ago, I didn't used to afford people attack and I used to make fast counter attack to stop them, I weren't rudy but I were like a lot of people don't like to feel attacked from anybody; but currently I'm trying to learn how to manage hard people, El 7amed llellah I have achieved excellent results, as I have gained a lot of friends with hard characters by simple self control and forgiving behavior,

Originally we are as a Muslims were asked to control ourselves

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

" من كتم غيظا ، و هو قادر على أن ينفذه ، دعاه الله على رؤوس الخلائق ، حتى يخيره من الحور العين يزوجه منها ما يشاء "

صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

So try to control yourself as much as u can, and believe me u will find an excellent result in your relationship

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Art of listening

You want to communicate with people well, then u have to learn the art of listening,

People by nature like to talk, and they feel better when they find someone can listen to them,

Listening is a magic tool for communicating effectively with people; listening makes people love you, and always like to talk with you so you can build strong relationship with them :)

You talk = You love me

I talk = I love you

I have tried it myself, in past I weren't know the importance of listening so I were always talking and dominate any discussion using my high talk speed rate, but I found many times I lose a lot of friends, and I don't know why,

But after reading in communication skills, I found I weren't listening to them well, so after learning the art of listening I have gain a lot of friends and build a strong relationship

So always…always…always try to listen for people


فى بيتنا شجرة

خير اللهم أجعله خبر كنت الأسبوع اللى فات رايح عند ناس قريبنا, أجازه بقى وأخرج زى ما أنا عايز, المهم وأنا ماشى فى الطريق لقيت الشارع واقف وزحمه جدا, أيه ده تفتكر فى لجنه ولاحاجه, يا نهار أبيض لجننننننننننننه لف و أرجع تانى بسرعه, يييييييييييييى يا بنى ما أنت خلاص طلعت رخصه والمفروض متخفشى من الحاجات دى, المهم وحده وحده كده عديت من الزحمه ورحت المشوار والحمد لله

تانى يوم ألاقى فى التلفزيون بيقولو ده فى شجره فى بداية طريق مصر أسماعليه مكتوب عليها لفظ الجلاله و أسم رسول الله محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم, أيه ده, ده الطريق اللى كنت ماشى منه أمبارح, أاااااااااااااااااه عشان كده الطريق كان زحمه, طيب الحمد لله دى حاجه كويسه أن الناس تلاقى حاجه زى كدا تحرك أيمانهم شوي

اللى مش كويس بقى أن فى بعض الناس بقوا يرورحوا للشجره عشان يتبركوا بيها يعنى ... اللى يحاول يمسح عليها... واللى عايز يا خد ورقه منها .... واللى .... واللى... وبدأت تظهر بعض الشركيات

و بدأت تبقى فى رحلات من مناطق مختلفه فى القاهرة وخارجها عشان يجوا يتفرجوا على الشجره و ماهي بقيت شجرة مباركه خلاص

فالمشكله الكبيرة أن بقت الناس تعمل حاجات غلط جدا عند الشجره ده نهيك طبعا عن الزحمه اللى بتوقف حال الناس فى الشارع, وبدأت البرامج فى التلفزيون تتكلم عن الشجره اللى يقول دى أيه من أيات الله واللى يقول لأ دا فى حد نحت الكلام ده عليه واللى يقول .... واللى يقول....

بااااااااااااااااااااااجماعه أحنا مش محتاجين حاجه تثبت لينا أن الكون ده كله يعبد الله عزوجل وأن كل شئ يسبح له لأن القرأن والسنه بيقروا الكلام ده, دا بقى بصرف النظر أن كان لفظ اجلاله أكتب لوحده على الشجره أو أحد كتبه عليها

كان فى فترة خلافة أمير المؤمنين سيدنا عمرو بن الخطاب رضى الله عنه, كان فى بعض التابعين بيدورو على الشجرة اللى بياع عندها الصحابه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وكانوا بيتحروا الصلاه عندها

قأمر أمير المؤمنين بقطع الشجرة منعا للفتن


رساله صغيرة

فى بعض البرامج وتحدبدا (البيت بيتك) كان فى واحد بيقول أن فى حد كتب على الشجره لفظ الجلاله من زمان عشان الناس تجيلها دلوقتى فيفتح فرصة عمل ليه ولغيره (المشروبات والمأكولات... والكلام ده)

أنا بس كنت عايز أقوله, يا فندم لو كان فى ناس فى بلدنا بيفكروا بالأسلوب ده وعندهم الفكر التخطيطى الرائع ده ماكنشى ده بقى حالنا

Second Man

During my participation in different team works, I have met somebody's that like to play the role of second man, second man is a person who work in team, eager to achieve the team goals and perform his tasks perfectly, also he is used to give advices and feedback to whole the team and to team leader especially.

Sometimes the performance of the second man exceed the performance of team leader him self, but in the same time he refuse to be the team leader.
Satisfaction for the second man means, achieving the team goal, participation effectively in team success and gaining respect from team members.
Actually the second man role is important inside any teamwork, and usually team leaders like him much as they considered him the team dynamo in period they are down
For me, sometimes I like to play second man role, especially when I work in team with a skilled leader :D

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Love, trust and skills = great team work

Three factors should be in any successive team work, love, trust and skills

Love means your success is my success, so whenever you make a good achievement I should feel happy for seeing it, no problem to do my best to make my task good too, but I should never feel annoyed from my colleague's success, without love team become hell.

Trust means when u said I'll do it I have to trust u, lake of trust make people in team fall in defensive mood to prove they are right (even if they are know their opinion is completely wrong) and turn most of discussion into battle

Skills means we can do it, team work should have minimum level of skills in work they are do, without these skills team work become not effective, and fail to achieve its goal

Of course these are not the only factors for successive teams but in my personal point of view these are the most important factors for building team spirit that push the team forward.