Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Area of influence V.S. Area of interests

In his book seven habits for highly effective people, Stephen R. Covey's has compared between Area of influence and Area of interests

Actually I liked this comparison much so I'll try to summarize it in this post

Everybody is interested in doing some activities, spiritual, mental, social or physical; all these activities are considered area of interests

In the same time, everyone can influence in some activities, mental, social or physical; all these activities are considered area of influence

As I always says, I'm example oriented ;), so let us take an example clarify the difference between area of interests and area of influence

Football match :D

Football match is considered area of interests for people who love watching football match because simply they can't affect match result

While football match is considered area of influence for the player who play the match because he can highly affect match result by his efforts and cooperation with other players

Usually area of interests is larger than area of influence, but in my opinion the more u maximize your area of influence the more you become happier :)

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