Friday, November 30, 2007

صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

أزيكم يا شباب , زى ما أنتوا عارفين أو مش عارفين ...مش هتفرق كتير أنى أن شاء الله هاغير الشغل بتاعى أخر الشهر ده, المهم بعد ما قدمت الأستقاله وشوفنا أيه الحاجات اللى مفروض الناس تستلمها منى وكل شئ بقى نمام ... خير الله أم أجعلزا خير لقيت حاجه طلعت كده مره واحده لازم تتعمل فى الحاجات اللى كنت شغال فيها, حاجه كده رخمه وهتاخد وقت ومجهود مش قليل, المهم قلت خلاص مفيش مشكله هعملها على الرغم أنى المفروض أمشى.
بس مكدبشى عليكوا كنت شغال فيها وأنا مخنوق جدا ,المهم كنت شغال وأنا ساكت وكاتم فى قلبى :)
المهم مطولشى عليكوا , فى نفس الأيام دى بفضل الله ربنا وفقنى فى حاجه كده هتفيد ناس زمايلنا فى الشغل , سبحان الله أول ما قولت لزمايلى على الموضوع ده كانوا مبسوطين وبعديها بساعه كده ولا حاجه لقيت تليفون جيلى
"خلاص يا نيازى مش هنعمل الحاجات (الرخمه)اللى أتفقنا عليها أمبارح"
فى الوقت ده أفتكرت االحديث

من نفس عن مؤمن كربة من كرب الدنيا ، نفس الله عنه كربة من كرب يوم القيامة . ومن يسر على معسر ، يسر الله عليه في الدنيا والآخرة . ومن ستر مسلما ، ستره الله في الدنيا والآخرة . والله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه . ومن سلك طريقا يلتمس فيه علما ، سهل الله له به طريقا إلى الجنة . وما اجتمع قوم في بيت من بيوت الله ، يتلون كتاب الله ، ويتدارسونه بينهم ، إلا نزلت عليهم السكينة ، وغشيتهم الرحمة وحفتهم الملائكة ، وذكرهم الله فيمن عنده . ومن بطأ به عمله ، لم يسرع به نسبه . غير أن حديث أبي أسامة ليس فيه ذكر التيسير على المعسر
الراوي: أبو هريرة - خلاصة الدرجة: صحيح - المحدث: مسلم - المصدر: المسند الصحيح - الصفحة أو الرقم

ورحت قايل.... صدق رسول الله
طبعا زمايلى سألونى فيه أى يابنى ... قلتلهم عادى يعنى ...بقول صدق رسول الله ...حد ليه حاجه عندى ...برحتى
طبعا فى الوقت ده كانوا عايزين يضربونى

October and November

According to wikipedia October and November are tenth and eleventh months of the year :)
for me october and november in this year were different, there were a lot of events, issues and many other things
I have got a lot of work offers, and finally I have left QuickTel and joined Criticalsites, Al Ahly lost Africa champios league friday 9/11/2007 ;) , my family decided suddenly to apply some maintenance for our flat so I have faced very hard days :(, and many other important events in my life; so I'm sending these flowers to everybody have shared October and November events with me;
and I pray to Allah to help me in completing the rest of events in December.
By they way, Decemeber also is the twelfth and last month of the year :)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Love Proposal by a Software Engineer

Months ago I have read a post on Egypt-Developers forum with title love proposal by software engineer, actually it was a very funny one, i think it is another prove that most of software engineers dem3`8om metr23a :)
Read and Enjoy :)

Just know that the love I have for you
Is not to be put in a stack or queue

Like a variable in an infinite loop
Be in my heart always and never stop

My heart is like a port, unread,
and the love I have has only one thread

You are in my heart's RAM and not in the cache

So if you won't respond, my heart will crash.

Like an application that is stand alone,

I'm a programmer who earns a lot on my own

And my request is clear, without any encryption

And hope it is not void, that you return.

If Java can be linked with C Or
if e-mails can be sent for free

Why on earth can't you and me

For the rest of our life time together be.

Friday, November 23, 2007

فلنُحسِن الظن بالله

هبت عاصفة شديدة على سفينة فى عرض البحر فأغرقتها..
ونجا بعض الركاب ، منهم ‏رجل أخذت الأمواج تتلاعب به حتى ألقت به على شاطئ جزيرة مجهولة و مهجورة
ما كاد الرجل يفيق من إغمائه و يلتقط أنفاسه، حتى سقط على ركبتيه ،و طلب من ‏لله المعونة والمساعدة و سأله أن ينقذه من هذا الوضع الأليم.
مرت عدة أيام كان الرجل يقتات خلالها من ثمار الشجر و ما يصطاد من أرانب و يشرب من جدول مياه قريب و ينام فى كوخ صغير بناه من أعواد الشجر ليحتمى فيه من برد الليل و حر النهار.
و ذات يوم، أخذ الرجل يتجول حول كوخه قليلا ريثما ينضج طعامه الموضوع على بعض أعواد الخشب المتقدة. و لكنه عندما عاد، فوجئ بأن النار التهمت كل ما حولها.
فأخذ يصرخ:
"لماذا يا رب؟
حتى الكوخ احترق، لم يعد يتبقى لى شئ فى هذه الدنيا و أنا غريب فى هذا المكان
لماذا يا رب كل هذه المصائب تأتى علىّ؟!!"
و نام الرجل من الحزن و هو جوعان، و لكن فى الصباح كانت هناك مفاجأة فى ‏انتظاره..
إذ وجد سفينة تقترب من الجزيرة و تنزل منها قارباً صغيراً ‏لإنقاذه.
أما الرجل فعندما صعد على سطح السفينة أخذ يسألهم كيف وجدوا مكانه

"لقد رأينا دخاناً، فعرفنا إن شخصاً ما يطلب الإنقاذ" ‏!!!
فسبحان من علِم بحاله ورآ مكانه..
سبحانه مدبر الأمور كلها من حيث لا ندري ولا نعلم..

بين الماء والزيت

يشرح لنا الإمام ابن الجوزي رحمه الله في صيد خاطره تلك الحقيقة الثابتة في حوار طريف متخيل بين الماء والزيت، ذلك أنهما كلما اختلطا في إناء ارتفع الزيت على سطح الماء، فقال الماء للزيت منكرًا: (لم ترتفع علي، وقد أنبت شجرتك؟ أين الأدب؟! فقال الزيت: لأني صبرت على ألم العصر والطحن، بينما أنت تجري في رضراض الأنهار على طلب السلامة، وبالصبر يرتفع القدر)1

مفتى الديار المصرية ... بعد أذنك لحظه

النهارده قريت فى مصراوى مجموعة من الفتوى على لسان الشيخ على جمعه مفتى الديار المصريه , الشيخ كان بيستدل بأحديث بصراحه كنت أول مره أسمعها وحسيت أنها غريبه شويه المهم روحت على موقع الدرر السنيه وكانت دى نتيجة البحث

- بينا أنا أمشي مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في ناحية المدينة وامرأة على حمار يطوف بها أسود في يوم طش إذ أتت يد الحمار على وهدة فزلق فصرعت المرأة فصرف النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وجهه كراهية أن يرى منها عورة فقلت : يا رسول الله ! إنها متسرولة ، فقال رحم الله المتسرولات ، وقال : البسوا السراويلات وحصنوها نسائكم عند خروجهن
الراوي: سعد بن طريف - خلاصة الدرجة: لا أصل له - المحدث: ابن الجوزي - المصدر: موضوعات ابن الجوزي - الصفحة أو الرقم: 3/214

103803 - رحم الله المتسرولات
الراوي: أبو هريرة - خلاصة الدرجة: ضعيف جداً - المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: السلسلة الضعيفة - الصفحة أو الرقم: 3252

92060 - رحم الله المتسرولات من النساء
الراوي: أبو هريرة و سعد بن طريف و مجاهد - خلاصة الدرجة: ضعيف - المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: ضعيف الجامع - الصفحة أو الرقم: 3102

وده الخبر منقول من مصراوى

القاهرة- أكد الدكتور علي جمعة مفتي مصر أنه لا يصح للمرأة ارتداء النقاب في الدول الأجنبية المسافرة اليها، لان ذلك يعد على عكس عادة البلد، وقد يسبب مشاكل سياسية بين الدولتين وهذا لا يصح.

وقال في لقاء اوردت وكالة الانباء الاسلامية جانبا منه، وهو يرد على سؤال حول الاختلاط بين الشباب: هناك فرق بين الاختلاط والخلوة، موضحا ان وجود رجال ونساء المسلمين في مكان واحد يحدث دائما في الصلاة والحج، أما الخلوة فلها شروط عند العلماء وهي وجود رجل وامرأة منفردين في مكان يستأذن الدخول اليه، وبذلك لا وجود للخلوة بين المرأة وسائق التاكسي أو في المصعد وغيرها من المواضع التي لا يستأذن للدخول اليها.

وعن حكم الدين في لبس المرأة للبنطلون اكد ان الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم احل لبس المرأة للبنطلون مشيرا الى رواية تقول ان امرأة كانت تركب دابة فسقطت من عليها، فغض رسول الله صلى عليه وسلم بصره فقال له الصحابة يا رسول الله أنها متسرولة فقال رسول الله: رحم الله المتسرولات. لكن يجب في زي المرأة أن يكون محتشما لا يكشف ولا يشف واذا توافرت هذه الشروط يكون زيا شرعيا.

وردا على سؤال عن الصلاة في المساجد التي بها أضرحة قال: ان الصلاة في المساجد التي بها أضرحة تضم أهل البيت والأولياء والصالحين مشروعة لأن الصلاة لله تعالى وليست لصاحب القبر أو الضريح، ولا يمكن أبدا القول ببطلان صلاة المسلمين وحرمتها في المسجد النبوي الشريف، لأنه يضم قبر النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، وقب أبي بكر، وقبر عمر، رضي الله عنهما، وأما حديث عائشة رضى الله عنها في الصحيحين أن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قال: لعن الله اليهود والنصارى اتخذوا قبور أنبيائهم مساجد. فهذا معناه السجود لها على وجه تعظيمها وعبادتها كما يسجد المشركون للأصنام.

وحول سفر المرأة بدون محرم أشار الى أن هناك اختلافا في تفسير حديث "لا تسافر امرأة تؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فوق ثلاث الا ومعها محرم". فبعض العلماء يرون أنه حديث مطلق فحينما تسافر امرأة يجب أن يكون معها محرم، وهناك من يقول انه ارتبط بموقف خلال عهد الرسول لتحقيق أمن الدولة الاسلامية على نسائها من تعرضهن للخطف على أيدي المشركين وبناء على ذلك فاذا أمنت المرأة على نفسها، فيجوز لها تسافر من دون محرم، أما اذا كانت هناك حالة حرب أو قطع طريق وغيرها من الأمور فلا يجوز لها السفر بمفردها وترجع للحكم الأصلي.

أتتني في سكون الليل

My favourite nasheed while I'm coding :D , I believe my colleagues in work will kill me soon ;)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

يا من يرى

One of my favourite Ansheeeds يا من يرى

Monday, November 19, 2007

Leaving QuickTel

isAllah by the end of this month sadly I'll leave Quicktel, I have spent in QuickTel more than two years, I have gained a lot of technical and non technical experience,
people there are very good, El 7amed llellah I have built a lot of friendship there and gained many true friends; also I have a good relationship with my managers in QuickTel, they have just told me today, we are planning to let you travel China :) for doing some work with our partners there, but I told them I have taken the decision and give a commitement to the other company
isAllah I'm going to join NTP Software (fi rawaya o7`ra Critical Sites :) ), they are mainly working in networking and security applications
I hope I can do a good job with them isAllah.
Please PRAY for me

Sunday, November 18, 2007

coming soon!

A new change in my life
coming soon...

Comfort zone

According to wikipedia a comfort zone denotes that limited set of behaviors that a person will engage without becoming anxious, scientists has made a strange experiment on small frog

1. Fetch hot water (90 C)
2. Fetch small frog
3. put small frog into water

Result: frog jumped from water

They repeated the experiment with other parameters

1. Fetch hot water (60 C)
2. Fetch small frog
3. put small frog into water

Result: frog jumped from the water

They repeated the experiment once again

1. Fetch water with a normal temperature
2. Fetch small frog
3. put small frog into water

Result: frog enojyed swimming in water

They start heating the water step by step;
when water temperature become 20 C, frog still swimming in water
when water temperature become 60 C , frog still swimming in water
when water temperature become 90 C , sadly frog had been dead L

What happened?! Why frog accept to swim in hot water (60 C) although it had jumped when they put it in the same water temperature before!!!

Well, let us clarify this point, when scientists put the frog in hot water, it didn’t accept to live in this bad environment, and it decided to jump immediately.
In other hand when they put it in water with a normal temperature, it has accepted this environment,
then when scientists tried to raise water temperature step by step, it feel with change, but it hate to change the environment and by the time unfortunately it had been dead
that’s what called comfort zone

I hope you have got the message!!!

Feeling tired

Many duties, many work and many challenges…
I should take care while I’m working with person X and I should take care while I’m talking with person Y and I should take care too while I’m dealing with person Z in a time X, Y nor Z don’t care about all of that!!!

long time ago I have used to play the same role, and el 7amed llellah I can do it perfectly, BUT I’m a human and I have a right to feel tired,
In the same time, if I look around myself, I can’t find the persons who should stand beside me in that time,
I don’t need a help, I don’t need for task delegation even I don’t need them to share the pain;
I need to feel I’m not standing alone, I need to feel there are some bodies worry about me, I need to feel they are there!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

فرح أسلامى ولا جاهلى

Month ago one of my friends (Hussieny) had called me, he was inviting me for his wedding :)
My Friend: Al salamu 3alikom
Me: wa alikom el salam wa r7mat Allah wa brkato8
Me: Hussieny, 3amel e8, e8 27`bark wa 27`bar el sho3`l ...etc
My Friend: el 7amed llellah I'm fine, hope u are fine too
My Friend: I'm inviting you for attending my wedding next monday isAllah
Me: congratulation, Bark Allah lakoma wa bark 3alykoma wa gam3 bynkom fi 7`eeer
Me: but is it fara7 Islamy wala Gahly
My Friend: Gahly 7adretk isAllah :D

wallahi 2na b2a mesh 3arf, actually i were taking a decision for not attending non-islamic celebration once again, and attend islamic wedding and celebration only.
I believe this decision may let some of my friends feel annoyed and angry but May Allah support me to apply it.

under siege

Nowadays my family decide suddenly to perform some maintenance and decorations in our flat;
bas ya sidi, they took this decision wa 3ynek matshooof ella el noooor :( my simple life become a hard one, I can see dust and sand all the time, asasn I hate dust but I can see it everywhere even on my poor notebook :((. I can't perform my regular activities such as stretching, check internet, update my blog, ...etc. in summary this DECISION put my life under siege
In other hand some workers are really lazy, and don't perform their work in a good way so they spend a lot of time in easy job :((
The most ugly part in this story that, there are some events (in Square 1) should be made nowadays but sadly this decision postponed it :((

Please, PRAY for me :(

Saturday, November 10, 2007


When you are sitting with a good people (family, friends, colleagues, ..etc) an hour seems like a second, while when are sitting with a bad people a second seems like an hour; although it is the same hour (60 minutes) and you are the same one, but ur feelings with time depends on who are sitting with you. That's called relativity.
so imagine yourself is sitting with an angel comes to the earth for talking with you for a little, and you have to stay ONLY less than one hour with him;
how happy are you?! of course you will try to make use of every minute, no no , you will try to make use of every second in that hour. looking and listening to him, you will try close your eyes so it can confined him from going away; and at the end of that hour, you have to say I have to go now, you say it with ur mouth but ur mind and heart say what a fool man, what are you doing?
but sadly you know you can't stay more than one hour :(

In other hand, when u sit with a devile comes to earth to make a conversation with you, you wish the time pass quickly to end this conversation,
although you are the same one, but there are a great difference between the two feelings,
That's called relativity

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Nice Drink

Today we will talk about something different :)
I'll describe the needed steps for making a wonderful drink . . . it is


1. Cold Milk
2. Borio (50 pts)

1. prepare a mug of cold milk
2. grind a borio bag then put it in milk mug
3. put it in freezer for 15 mins

Now Drink and Enjoy :)

Special thanks for chef khaled el kady :D

Monday, November 05, 2007

Stress reducers

Here is some stress reducers that may help you in stress management,

1. Get up fifteen minutes earlier in the morning. The inevitable morning mishaps will be less stressful.

2. Do nothing you have to lie about later.

3. Don't rely on your memory. Write down appointment times, when to pick up the laundry, when library books are due, etc. ("The palest ink is better than the most retentive memory."- Old Chinese Proverb)

4. Procrastination is stressful. Whatever you want to do tomorrow, do today; whatever you want to do today, do it now.

5. Allow 15 minutes of extra time to get to appointments. Plan to arrive at an airport one hour before domestic departures.

more stress reducers

Technology and our social activities

There is no doubt that technologies has affected our life heavily cars, personal computer, mobile,...etc are samples of mandatory devices for all people
so in old centuries they had used carrier pigeons to send their messages, last century people used regulare message (Gwabat) for sending messages, but nowadays we are heavily depend on email for exchanging messages,
even in marriage issues, in 3antr wa 3abala days, 3antr used to go 3abala's home for seeing her (of course 3abala's father couldn't punish 3antr because 3antr was a strong man :)),
in 20th century people were depending on regulare mails (Gwabat ya3ni); but nowadays you may marray or engage someone by sending him email or even sms :D
In the same time you may wait the reply in email, sms or even missed call ;) .
In summary, technology makes our life better!!!

p.s: do u remember my friend beta3 bride from CIA, 3ala fekra8 he is still waiting till now :)
he has told me when he tried to send email to his future bride isAllah; she didn't give a reply and when she decide to reply she sent an aggressive one, t2reban wallaho 23lam she consider email as 7`lwa, of course she won't read my posts because she didn't know me asasn, but I like to say in high loud email is NOT considered 7`lwa wallaho 23lam. :D

I have learned this lesson

In person life, he have to deal with a lot of people, family, relatives, friends, colleagues, ...etc, everybody has his/her own personality, habbits, thoughts and attitudes, you may like some of it, and may dislike other,
anybody look for habits and attitudes from his/her prespective, so you may like a habit or attitude and in the same time you find your brother or friend don't like it
of course there are a set of bad habits like smoking and procrastination, but I'm talking about normal habits and attitudes,
usually person spent a lot of time in fighting to change other people attitudes and habits but in most cases they fail to change it, because people are convinced with these habits and attitudes; and are not ready to change it (don't forget we are talking about normal habits and attitudes)

I were one of people that spent a lot of time fighting to change other persons attitudes and habits to fit with me, but i have discovered that's not 100% true!!!
because I have wast a lot of time in fighting with them to change their attitudes and habits in a time I can live and adapt my self with it.
I have learned to live with people as they are, with their habits, attitudes, thoughts, ...etc
as long as these attitudes, habits,...etc are 7alal and mo7trama,
in other words I learned to enjoy my life with people as they are; and not spending a lot of time in fighting for change NOT bad attitudes and habits

أنت برجك أبه

الصورة دى مأخوذه من مجله فى أخر أنتخابات , مجلس الشورى تقريبا
طبعا بصرف النظر عن عدم أقتناعى بموضوع الأبراج ده من أصله بس سبحان الله فى اليوم ده بالصدفه البحته كانت الأبراج بتاعت كل الناس بتقولوهم روحوا أنتخبوا !!!1

Sunday, November 04, 2007

You may already be there

While I'm browsing internet, I have read this story, I liked it much and I liked to share with you, Enjoy

A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them.

"Not very long," answered the Mexican.

"But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American.

The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family.

The American asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

"I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs. I have a full life."

The American interrupted, "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."

"And after that?" asked the Mexican.

"With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."

"How long would that take?" asked the Mexican.

"Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years," replied the American.

"And after that?"

"Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting," answered the American, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!"

"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the Mexican.

"After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends."

And the moral of this story is: ......... Know where you're going in life... you may already be there.

mmmmmm, do u thing r u already there ?! :)