But in other hand I can't deny that I have learnt a lot of things inside QuickTel, people there are very nice, kind and clevers; el 7amed llellah I have left them without making conflicts with any of them, of course sometimes I were missing control of my self and being nervous in work but generally I have a very good relationship and friendship with people there :)
Because of All Engineers in quickTel were older than me, most of them were looking at me as a young man with a little experience, but by the time I have gained their trust, all my team leaders, project managers and my colleagues were believing I were very effective and a key person in my work;
El 7amed llellah for all of things, I believe that without Allah support I weren't make anything in my life, so el 7amed llellah 7amdan kathyeeern mobarken fi8,
and I pray Allah for supporting me too in my new work
ربنا يكرمك يا رب ويوفقك في الدنيا والاخره ويعزك بالاسلام ويعز الاسلام بك
كلامك جميل اوي بنطلع منه بحاجات حلوه
remember us in your do32k
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