1. Fetch hot water (90 C)
2. Fetch small frog
3. put small frog into water
Result: frog jumped from water
They repeated the experiment with other parameters
1. Fetch hot water (60 C)
2. Fetch small frog
3. put small frog into water
Result: frog jumped from the water
1. Fetch water with a normal temperature
2. Fetch small frog
3. put small frog into water
Result: frog enojyed swimming in water
They start heating the water step by step;
when water temperature become 20 C, frog still swimming in water
when water temperature become 60 C , frog still swimming in water
when water temperature become 90 C , sadly frog had been dead L
What happened?! Why frog accept to swim in hot water (60 C) although it had jumped when they put it in the same water temperature before!!!
Well, let us clarify this point, when scientists put the frog in hot water, it didn’t accept to live in this bad environment, and it decided to jump immediately.
In other hand when they put it in water with a normal temperature, it has accepted this environment,
then when scientists tried to raise water temperature step by step, it feel with change, but it hate to change the environment and by the time unfortunately it had been dead
that’s what called comfort zone
I hope you have got the message!!!
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